Monday, April 18, 2016

What I want to do when I grow up

When I grow up I want to create good anime so that I can let people enjoy my hobby. I will even get a lot of money for doing something I like. Even though I can't draw I have a creative mind so I can create a story that turns into a anime. I want to live in America because I still would want to support my family and want my children to have a safe life. If I do get kids I want to get a girl and a boy. When I do get these kind of kids I will teach them stuff about the world and also tutor them. This is what I would when I grow up. I would also like to watch a lot of anime to help me think of a story to write my story in. Alan, if your watching this your might say this guys watches to much. Your right and I will always watch it forever. I might also want to go make games. I like games because of the story like Shadow Colossus. Open world games are fun in a way that you could do anything you want in that world. This is what I want to do when I grow up.

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