Monday, October 24, 2016

If you were given 15 minutes with President Obama, what would you tell him to change and why would you have it changed?

If I was given 15 minutes with President Obama I would tell him to change the society. People now and even children are learning things they shouldn't have been learning(at least children). They show cursing in videos, inappropriate things that are seen with the eye that kids shouldn't be seeing. Well to also give us free days off of school and more days that make us have more fun than usual. This is all I have to say and the first three sentences were not meant to be said, but still it was a great speech.

Fall Break

In Fall break I had a pretty good time. My friend Justin and Jun Hyung went to a hotel at San Diego, Carlsbad and played around there. We ate a lot there and had a great time. The bad thing is we did fight once in a while and would do things that we didn't like. I wouldn't change anything because I had a fun time there and also enjoyed it with my friends. I would keep everything the same because we went to a hotel and we went to Madang so I enjoyed my time there.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Blog Post #3: My proudest moment was...

Image result for ni no kuni wrath of the white witch

Image result for rem memes
My life in a meme
My proudest moment of my life was when I started watching new anime. The only anime I watched back at the day was Hunter X Hunter and Naruto. Then I discovered the beauty that was in the world . Of course I'm just kidding my greatest accomplishment was getting to actually finish something and that something was a video game. That may sound weird to others, but my friends and I did a competition against each other and I was the one to actually finish the game other than the other people.

I also did meant what I was saying in the first three sentences. Again, it may sound weird, but the world of fantasy help me become the person I am(and youtube cause memes HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEXD). This fantasy help me realize action from stories and things that create a climax. That's how it help me realize stories in the first place and when I saw other kind of anime it just gave me an open mind to things. These are the proudest moment of my life.

Image result for gon hunter x hunter
Stop it ... Get some help

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I Believe Statements

I believe that I'm korean( even though I can't speak as well).
I believe that everyone need Jesus in their lives.
I believe that League of Legends is the best game made on computer.
I believe that anime is the best invention yet in history.
I believe that we can stop war and just help one another.
I believe that we shouldn't be sexist and racist to one another.
I believe that the best anime is IDK.
I believe that we have the power to create beautiful inventions . 
I believe that schools should teach us life's problems in the world. 
Image result for rem re zero
I believe that Rem is the best girl :)))))))))).
transparent gurren lagann yoko littner
Deal with it 
Image result for league of draven
Welcome to the League of Draven

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

If you were a superhero, who would you be and why? What superpowers would you have? Describe how your superhero looks.

Image result for re zero subaru crying gifP.S How i feel everyday<<<
transparent anime akame ga kill akame akame ga kill theaterIf I was a superhero, I would be Teemo from League of Legends because he is a deadly, fluffy raccoon (Don't judge me). The powers I would have are invisibility, poison shots, mushrooms, and a lot of movement speed. If I were to be another superhero, I would be Tatsumi from Akame Ga Kill because he has armor that has a power of a god's imperial arms. He has the power of an imperial arms called Demon Armor: Incursio that has the power to spawn a spear and make you turn invisible. It also has the power to transform in to a the highest level of a danger beast and take that form into the armor. Tatsumi is a brown haired guy which look like a guy from an anime (That's all I really need to say about him).

Monday, April 18, 2016

What I want to do when I grow up

When I grow up I want to create good anime so that I can let people enjoy my hobby. I will even get a lot of money for doing something I like. Even though I can't draw I have a creative mind so I can create a story that turns into a anime. I want to live in America because I still would want to support my family and want my children to have a safe life. If I do get kids I want to get a girl and a boy. When I do get these kind of kids I will teach them stuff about the world and also tutor them. This is what I would when I grow up. I would also like to watch a lot of anime to help me think of a story to write my story in. Alan, if your watching this your might say this guys watches to much. Your right and I will always watch it forever. I might also want to go make games. I like games because of the story like Shadow Colossus. Open world games are fun in a way that you could do anything you want in that world. This is what I want to do when I grow up.

TED's Challenges

There are some things that we don't know about on the internet. Here are some things we should know about that affect our Social media live (challenges).

We don't know how to deal with rumors because anyone can make anything up on the internet. We create our own echo chambers. We tend to only communicate with people that we agree with. Online discussions quickly descend into angry mobs. It became really hard to change our opinions. Because of the speed and brevity of social media, we are forced to jump to conclusions and write sharp opinions in 140 characters about complex world affairs. Social media experiences are designed in a way that favors broadcasting over engagements, posts over dissussions, and shallow comments over deep conversation.

  In the future we will want to liberate the internet and here's how.
Host conversations that promote mutual understanding and hopefully change minds. We also need to focus on quality: What is more important: The total number of readers of a post you write or who are the people who have impact the read what you write. Reward people for reading for reading and responding to views that disagree with? Make it socially acceptable that we change our minds. Finally we should fact-check widely spread online information, and reward people who take part.