Monday, October 24, 2016
If you were given 15 minutes with President Obama, what would you tell him to change and why would you have it changed?
If I was given 15 minutes with President Obama I would tell him to change the society. People now and even children are learning things they shouldn't have been learning(at least children). They show cursing in videos, inappropriate things that are seen with the eye that kids shouldn't be seeing. Well to also give us free days off of school and more days that make us have more fun than usual. This is all I have to say and the first three sentences were not meant to be said, but still it was a great speech.
Fall Break
In Fall break I had a pretty good time. My friend Justin and Jun Hyung went to a hotel at San Diego, Carlsbad and played around there. We ate a lot there and had a great time. The bad thing is we did fight once in a while and would do things that we didn't like. I wouldn't change anything because I had a fun time there and also enjoyed it with my friends. I would keep everything the same because we went to a hotel and we went to Madang so I enjoyed my time there.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Blog Post #3: My proudest moment was...
My life in a meme |
I also did meant what I was saying in the first three sentences. Again, it may sound weird, but the world of fantasy help me become the person I am(and youtube cause memes HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEXD). This fantasy help me realize action from stories and things that create a climax. That's how it help me realize stories in the first place and when I saw other kind of anime it just gave me an open mind to things. These are the proudest moment of my life.
Stop it ... Get some help |
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
I Believe Statements
I believe that I'm korean( even though I can't speak as well).
I believe that everyone need Jesus in their lives.
I believe that League of Legends is the best game made on computer.
I believe that anime is the best invention yet in history.
I believe that we can stop war and just help one another.
I believe that we shouldn't be sexist and racist to one another.
I believe that the best anime is IDK.
I believe that we have the power to create beautiful inventions .
I believe that schools should teach us life's problems in the world.
I believe that Rem is the best girl :)))))))))). |
![]() |
Deal with it |
Welcome to the League of Draven |
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
If you were a superhero, who would you be and why? What superpowers would you have? Describe how your superhero looks.

Monday, April 18, 2016
What I want to do when I grow up
When I grow up I want to create good anime so that I can let people enjoy my hobby. I will even get a lot of money for doing something I like. Even though I can't draw I have a creative mind so I can create a story that turns into a anime. I want to live in America because I still would want to support my family and want my children to have a safe life. If I do get kids I want to get a girl and a boy. When I do get these kind of kids I will teach them stuff about the world and also tutor them. This is what I would when I grow up. I would also like to watch a lot of anime to help me think of a story to write my story in. Alan, if your watching this your might say this guys watches to much. Your right and I will always watch it forever. I might also want to go make games. I like games because of the story like Shadow Colossus. Open world games are fun in a way that you could do anything you want in that world. This is what I want to do when I grow up.
TED's Challenges
There are some things that we don't know about on the internet. Here are some things we should know about that affect our Social media live (challenges).
We don't know how to deal with rumors because anyone can make anything up on the internet. We create our own echo chambers. We tend to only communicate with people that we agree with. Online discussions quickly descend into angry mobs. It became really hard to change our opinions. Because of the speed and brevity of social media, we are forced to jump to conclusions and write sharp opinions in 140 characters about complex world affairs. Social media experiences are designed in a way that favors broadcasting over engagements, posts over dissussions, and shallow comments over deep conversation.
In the future we will want to liberate the internet and here's how.
Host conversations that promote mutual understanding and hopefully change minds. We also need to focus on quality: What is more important: The total number of readers of a post you write or who are the people who have impact the read what you write. Reward people for reading for reading and responding to views that disagree with? Make it socially acceptable that we change our minds. Finally we should fact-check widely spread online information, and reward people who take part.
We don't know how to deal with rumors because anyone can make anything up on the internet. We create our own echo chambers. We tend to only communicate with people that we agree with. Online discussions quickly descend into angry mobs. It became really hard to change our opinions. Because of the speed and brevity of social media, we are forced to jump to conclusions and write sharp opinions in 140 characters about complex world affairs. Social media experiences are designed in a way that favors broadcasting over engagements, posts over dissussions, and shallow comments over deep conversation.
In the future we will want to liberate the internet and here's how.
Host conversations that promote mutual understanding and hopefully change minds. We also need to focus on quality: What is more important: The total number of readers of a post you write or who are the people who have impact the read what you write. Reward people for reading for reading and responding to views that disagree with? Make it socially acceptable that we change our minds. Finally we should fact-check widely spread online information, and reward people who take part.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Spring Break
During spring break I decided to go somewhere with my family. My family planned to go to Palm springs with my friend Justin Shim. When we went we went swimming watch a movie and hung out at our hotel room. My friend and I had a great time, but sometimes he would lock me out of the room just for fun and that was pretty embarassing. The next day when we came to LA my friend wanted to go somewhere with him. His name was Eric Yu and his friend came and his name is Jisu Song. When he came to pick me up I didn't realize where we were going. I was also excited to see Julian's face because I never met him before. When we were close to the destination I saw the mall we were going too, but still didn't understand why we were going to a mall. When we finally got in I saw a huge arcade and a bowling place. We decided to play at the arcade first and I realized there were a lot of anime stuff there like Gunslinger Stratos ( my favorite game there), One piece, Beat Games ( I don't know what to call them), and so much more. After we went to the arcade we went bowing which was really fun also. I realized the place we went to was Round one And I decided to go there for my birthday. The following day we had to pick up Justin Shim because his mom went to Las Vegas, so my family decided to take care of him. This is the fun times I had during spring break and I had a great time.
P.S: There was a Gunslinger tournament at the arcade and I decided to join and got 2nd out of 65 people.
P.P.S: I also got a real elucidator.

P.P.S: I also got a real elucidator.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Personality Test
I do not agree with the personality test. This is why I don't agree with the personality test. First I have to tell you what a personality test is. This is a test about your personality or more likely your own personality. This test asks you about stuff that people like and what they can do in certain times. Now the personality test is something that I don't like very much. The test asks you to put in your information and your things that are private. This test makes you in a very stressful spot because you really, honestly have to tell the truth. This is what I think about the test. In the test, I did answer honestly and truthfully. Some of them I felt like I had to lie, but I didn't so yeah.
Friday, February 26, 2016
How to be a better digital citizen.
I had learned a lot of things during the presentation. I had learn what we should do and what we should not do. I had never thought of what I can be a better digital citizen from what I had learned. I'm going to do this blog explaining this question. To be a better citizen I should have proper etiquette only and also use proper grammar. This will help us save a lot of trouble and allow us to not to hurt other people.There is also security which could help you in a lot of cases. If you don't set up security it can lead to hacks from hackers. This is how I can be a better digital citizen.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
most favorites 10 invevtion
The top 10 inventions on my list are stuff I would usually play with or play on. Three of them would be video games, game consoles, and the computer. My top 3 for sports would be basketball, soccer, and baseball. Another top 3 would be the apps and electrionics like youtube, the ipad, and iphone.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
What digital footprints I left behing
When I first when into instagram I posted a lot of dumb things such as stuff that was personal. I didn't know how to use instagram and did do some videos where it shows dumb videos. Some one dared me to yodel and now that I know what a digital footprint is I think I might get a bad reputation. Some things I shouldn't have posted on instagram was some anime I watched back in the day (things like naruto one piece and fairytail). My instagram was a really awkward kind of account. All I would post is stuff that even I don't know. This was when I was 6th grade. Now I wonder why I even pose those things in the first place. This was the digital footprint I left in my social media. if you still wanna follow me go to jkfool239.
Friday, February 5, 2016
saddest day
I don't really have the saddest day, but I do know my sad days. Somewhere around 2 months ago I was looking through the anime list. I was trying to look for One Punch Man. When I clicked on it there was NO ONE PUNCH MANNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! I was crying in my bed and couldn't wait another week, so I was bored for a whole week. Another day i was sad was when I had to go to another school (this one). I never wanted to go to this school, but my afterschool made me go to this school. I liked my old school and didn't like this one. I lost all my friend from that school like Sarah and Pooter. That was the saddest day if my life.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Happiest Day Of My Life
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Sugar ban
Yes, I think sugar should be banned in New York City. The reason I think it should be banned is because people these days get fat because of sugary food and liquids. This is a problem in all of California and maybe even the world. Sugar makes us hyper, but uses energy when we need it and you crave for more of that thing that you want which is an example of sugary food. This sugar ban is not good for us and should be banned in New York. I'm saying that it should only be banned in New York. Almost everyone in America at least drinks or eats junk food each week. This ban will help people realize that coke or other soda brands aren't good for them. This ban should stop people from drinking soda. This is why I think we should have this ban.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Letter To Alien
Dear Alien,
I know you might know our great planet Earth and yes it is not bad enough to destroy. If you might know that to your perspective we are aliens. That is not true You should come to Earth and experience are way of culture. First of all the music. The music in our world might not be best for you, but for us humans we like it so give it a try. The food is amazing to and as long as you bring peace to our world you can eat some delicious food. Finally the amusement in Earth ( er-th) are amazing when you like to do some fun things. These are some of the thing you can find in Earth that are very interesting.
Joseph Kang P.S: If you don't understand English that might be a problem, but please don't destroy earth.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Favorite Movie or Book of All Time
My favorite of all time would be the the Maze Runner Series. If I was to only pick one it would be have to be the Martian. If it was a book my favorite would have to be the Hachet, Giver, or the Percy Jackson Series. The reason I like all these stuff would be because they have some sort of adventure or action to the series. There would also be a good plot and a very awesome story to solve when watching a movie. Usually people would just look at movies just for the action, but if you want to get deep into the story and understand it well I prefer these movies and books.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Embarrassing Moments
One of the most embarrassing moments in my life was actually when I was at JB also known as John Burroughs Middle School. When I was at the restroom to do my business and then when i came out something very scary happened. Once I got out I saw my friend so I went to go talk to him. When I went to them he pushed me somewhere I was familiar with because I knew it was the bathroom. When I turned around I saw a bunch of girls and was really embarrassed. After that I got kicked and slap then for some what reason punched. Oh yeah the restrooms are right next to each other so that's why I got pushed to the girls restroom.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Anywhere In The World
Thursday, January 21, 2016
If i had one last meal
If I had one last meal it would have to be sushi or in this case raw fish. I want to eat this because I'm an asain kid but also like really good sushi. The reason I would eat this as my last meal is because it's my favorite type of food other than Korean bbq. This is also good for old people so if I die I would still be healthy.
P.S I think sushi's good for you anyway
P.S I think sushi's good for you anyway
favorite music and artists
The type of music I like would be christian music and anime songs?(i guess a little) The music I listen to is not part of christian music or anime music, but it is Stressed Out by 21 pilots. The type of artists I like would be Imagine Dragons, Some christian artists, and maybe a little of Animez which he does piano for anime theme songs. My most favorite would be Hello by Adele because it says hello like she is talking on the phone. These are some of my favorite type of music and artists.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Top 5 websites
What are my top 5 websites of all time? Well for starters there are a lot of websites in the world and there are a lot of websites that a lot of people like.
- First there is the one website you could watch gaming and all sorts of stuff. THAT IS CALLED YOUTUBE.
- Another one is a gaming site where you can look at games and that site is called Steam.
- There is also another game website where you can watch live streams and that one is called twitch.
- Netflix is also one of the top 5 websites in this list.
- The final and favorite is called cause he's my teacher.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Deserted Island
If I was in a deserted island and get to have only 3 stuff I would have a gun, flint with steel, and a hatchet. The reason I would have these things is because this will let me survive quite a while. The gun will help me protect myself and get food, but if I don't have enough ammo I would just use my hatchet. I would also keep flint and steel because it will help me make a fire to keep warm and cook food like birds. These are the three things I would get if I was stuck in a deserted island.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
important person
An important person in my life is my mom. The reason why is because she does a lot of stuff for me that helps me through a lot of trouble towards life. She helps me with chores that my and doesn't get to mad unlike other Asian moms.
Monday, January 11, 2016
School Semester
My goal in technology are to finish all my study island and typing practices. The reason why I want to do typing is because I didn't finish it the 2nd quarter or first semester. Even if study island is boring I have to do it so I can go to the LEL trip with all my friends. These are my two goals for technology and other stuff.
Friday, January 8, 2016
If I was a superhero I would be Naruto because of dumb reasons. I would have the power to love ramen as much as everybody. Another reason is because I would have the ability to do jutsus and summon this energy called chakra. Finally I would be able to have the nine tails chakra and be able to be 4 times as strong as my normal state. This is what I would become if I became a superhero.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
A million DOLLARS
If I had a million dollars I would get a video game high school. The reason I want to make VGHS (video game high school) is because it will get me a lot of money and it will increase a child's mind imagination. My school will mostly have FPS, RPG, FG, and etc. Well, but that will all just be a dream unless I do get a million dollars. You guys can deliver me some money so I can make it possible.
P.S: I might be joking, but if you can make it possible by giving me money.
P.S: I might be joking, but if you can make it possible by giving me money.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Winter Break
During winter break I had a regular break like other people. I went to Big Bear to see snow and snowboard when suddenly there was traffic and it took 7 hours to get there. I also celebrated Christmas and got a $100 gift card for the ps. At new year's My family went to see my distant uncles and aunt, played DOTA 2 and went to watch a movie. I hope you enjoyed your winter break and tell me how it was.
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